Monday, April 6, 2009

SENĆOŦEN Materials Inventory-Project Outline

Over many years, SENĆOŦEN language materials have been developed within the community by various fluent speakers and organizations; however, most of these materials have not been compiled into a useful inventory format that would enable SENĆOŦEN teachers, language students and researchers to know what materials are available and to access those materials.

The SENĆOŦEN Materials Inventory Project is currently compiling materials that will be used to create a resource file and database framework ready for a comprehensive teaching package.

The goal is to compile resources and materials that have been developed over an approximately 25-year period in the Saanich community. The inventory will serve as a multi-use reference:

1) Template for a SENĆOŦEN comprehensive Teacher Training package.

2) Leading to begin to work out a plan for a Developmental Standard Term Certificate (DSTC) program.

3) The inventory will also serve as an extremely valuable tool, in developing an Integrated Resource Package (IRP’s) for the local school district 63, on the Saanich Peninsula.

The project has several stages reflecting its various objectives:

1) Compilation of resources and materials from the past 40 years of work on SENĆOŦEN.

2) Organization of these resources and materials into a usable inventory.

3) Transferring of materials and resources, where relevant, into formats that will make them more usable and more available.

4) Making the materials available to teachers and to community members. This may include the following:

• A resources package that can be sent out to local schools

• An index to the resources that is available with information on how/where to access the resources

• A Teacher-Training Package

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