Monday, April 6, 2009

CURA – Saanich Priorities and Projects 2005-2008

The following is a list of priorities developed during a session with the Saanich Native Heritage Society group, Spring 2005. At this stage, projects began to emerge. Once projects started to take shape, time and budget would be the constant parameters. And, the people that would ultimately bring the projects to life would be priority number one for consideration in the 2005-2008 work plans.

Priority #1)

1-1) SENĆOŦEN-Teaching Grammar: 9 Immersion Units leading to Teacher Training program, Development Standard Term Certification recognized.


1-3) SENĆOŦEN Teacher Training Program (Comprehensive Package for teachers and students)

Priority #2)

Digitizing Existing Materials, including cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tapes, etc. from community sources.

Priority #3)

3-1) Inventory existing SENĆOŦEN language materials

3-2) Comprehensive SENĆOŦEN teaching package for adult classes

3-3) Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between Saanich Native Heritage Society (S.N.H.S) and the Saanich Indian School Board (S.I.S.B.) Reason: To recognize continued development of the SENĆOŦEN curriculum

Priority #4)

4-1) Training and mentoring longhouse public speakers in SENĆOŦEN

4-2) Developing SENĆOŦEN CD for community leaders, including Alphabet, Sounds, Phrases and frequently used prayers (Knowledge Mobilization)

Priority #5)

SENĆOŦEN Newsletter

Priority #6)

6-1) SENĆOŦEN Survival Day Celebration

6-2) Prayer CD

Priority #7)

Workshop: To develop new SENĆOŦEN words

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